Sunday, December 25, 2005

The wind and her...

Something about wind and her hair makes her eyes that much sexier.

I was thinking about sand and an hourglass. That bird that carried those grains to a distant shore, one by one.

For eternity.

Alone but not lonely because of a purpose however mundane. He's changing the world with each piece of sand carried in his tiny beak. And it's changing slowly but surely. Improving. Changing into something more beautiful because he is beautiful.

Like her. Sweet and young and pure of soul. White and wonderful. And if you look beneath his wings you'll see her reflected there. You'll see the form of the world's beauty because it contains her and she contains it. Complet and sublime. He'll save the world and carry her with him, wrapped in soft feathers.

They may soar to new heights and new sights. A wind-washed cliff or white-capped waves. Because from the first moment he shook his wings, that wind was set in motion and formed the rocks and the waters of the earth with its soft fingers. He formed man from that same sand that he carries still. Sand and clay and the wind from his wings became man's breath.

And man's breath and his body became woman's and she was perfect in shape and spirit. Much like her who is another image of that first woman...


Ms. McGowan said...

I read it three times...because I liked it that much.

Of course, I'm happy for you, dear friend. I'm crossing my fingers for an "en route to Portland" visit from Lucy and you!

Katie said...

it's beautiful.

really, so much that I have nothing else to say.

b said...

whoah it took forver to find you on this thing... nice entry. oh wait.. i just remembered you have a myspace... i will leave you a note on there! go look ASAP!!!

Ms. McGowan said...


So...We read "A Devouring" this week. The comments included, "Is this guy a stalker?", "I love the way he describes his love for her!",and "That one is my favorite because the language is really powerful." They're freshmen, not literary critics. But, I thought the second two comments were flattering. We refer to your poem as the "scandalous poem."

I have to share a quote with you from one of their "Learning Logs." The student wrote, "This week, I learned that there are a lot of really good poets such as Langston Hughes, [fill in other famous poet's names], and Peter." I laughed so hard. Not that I don't think you're a fabulous poet. It was just cute.

I love you.

Ms. McGowan said...

Cool things:
Pieter has the Internet
It's the weekend
The sun is shining

Lame things:
Pieter still doesn't post
Liver and lima beans

Lucy said...

i like this one....

Jessica said...

So... the date of this posting was December 25. Was this a Christmas/farewell present? The blogging world misses you, Pieter

Katie said...

um, so, maybe you should write something in this so that i can know that you're alive.

speaking of writing, send me your address and i'll send you that playwriting book.

i miss you like a fat kid misses cake when he's at fat camp.