Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hollywood here I come!!!

Please view the linked video for a sample of my acting work.

Yes I am currently looking for representation.

Although I would love to do your little "indie" film, frankly they just don't make enough money. I have a reputation to build.

Friday, February 13, 2009

In other news...

The weather outside: Not as frightful.

Last night's pub night was especially exciting. As of Monday we have an artist for our webcomic (Matt Day) and Tyson brought by the rough script for our first post along with character sheets. Matt is hopefully working on the character designs as we speak.

Keep your fingers crossed. Our plot device has infinite possibilities. You guys will hopefully love it (or at least be mildly entertained by it). Our goal is to have some flyers and promotional material ready for this years Comic-Con.

I'm obviously really excited about a number of things this year and this project is quickly climbing that list, although everything else is going to be vastly overshadowed by Lola's arrival. She's kickin like a CHAMP. Maybe it's her mom's soccer skillz.

I also met a really interesting fella at the pub named John. He's from Australia and is a friend of a friend. Talking to him reminded me of how much I want to travel again.

If you're watching "Lost" at all this year, here is some food for thought courtesy of the wise Adam Gildner: Could Jacob and his well be a reference to the biblical "Jacob's well"? If so, what does this mean for Locke? Leave comments....

Talk to you soon.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Quick thoughts...

The weather outside: Frightful (in a good way).

Work is going well. It amazes me that my uncle was able to get this place up and running in such a short time considering the economic climate.

I am (not so) ashamed to admit that I've been really into American Idol this year thanks to Lucy. I didn't realize how emotional I'd get watching reality TV.

"Lost" is as exciting as I'd hoped it would be this season as well. Oh and Battlestar Geeklactica (as Lucy calls it) is equally intense. I've stopped being ashamed of my TV watching habits and my love for B-grade, mindless entertainment. There are gems here and there most definitely, and I figure if I try to look at all the crap I watch/read from the standpoint of a student, I actually can learn a great deal from it. By that I mean that sometimes watching/reading crap really teaches you how to tell a better story.

I wanted to talk a little bit about my growing love for comics as a medium. This will fall on mostly deaf ears I'm sure, but that's ok with me. The whole genre really fascinates me. I never really realized how much you can do in the medium that you can't do in others (like TV, Movies, or literature). I have Tyson to thank for that. He pointed me to "Watchmen" and Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" a couple years ago and they both really gave me a deeper appreciation. Sandman especially. I still haven't finished the series because there are just so many layers and literary references, you just want to savor every page.

I'm excited about writing our own for a number of reasons. 1.) It's forcing me to develop my dialogue. The creation process (as far as the writing is concerned) is very similar to the screen-writing process in that the focus is mostly on description and character voice. You're challenged to be as concise as possible in the dialogue (being limited by physical space in each panel) while still keeping each character's lines meaningful and unique. I sort of compare it to a cross between children's book writing and screen-writing. Incredibly fun and extremely difficult.

The best part of it (to me) is that you get to develop these really unique characters in these really exciting and action packed (sometimes off the wall) settings. Yeah the medium is cartoony and campy sometimes but often when you're reading comics you're sort of surprised by little gems of truth and brilliance. (There are also some that are achingly heartfelt).

Anyway, I'm rambling now which tends to happen a lot these days. If you're interested in some reading or viewing suggestions that you may not have considered before, let me know.

Look forward to hearing from you guys. Lucy and Lola (from the womb) say hello.