The weather outside: Not as frightful.
Last night's pub night was especially exciting. As of Monday we have an artist for our webcomic (Matt Day) and Tyson brought by the rough script for our first post along with character sheets. Matt is hopefully working on the character designs as we speak.
Keep your fingers crossed. Our plot device has infinite possibilities. You guys will hopefully love it (or at least be mildly entertained by it). Our goal is to have some flyers and promotional material ready for this years Comic-Con.
I'm obviously really excited about a number of things this year and this project is quickly climbing that list, although everything else is going to be vastly overshadowed by Lola's arrival. She's kickin like a CHAMP. Maybe it's her mom's soccer skillz.
I also met a really interesting fella at the pub named John. He's from Australia and is a friend of a friend. Talking to him reminded me of how much I want to travel again.
If you're watching "Lost" at all this year, here is some food for thought courtesy of the wise Adam Gildner: Could Jacob and his well be a reference to the biblical "Jacob's well"? If so, what does this mean for Locke? Leave comments....
Talk to you soon.
9 years ago
Hey man, first -- I'm sorry I never got any ink to you; things just got a little out of control here. I'm barely writing these days, let alone drawing. Second, I love the new blog. I think it's a refreshing look for you. Finally, Jacob's Well -- what if people don't want the salvation offered by the island?
I like that idea (re:Lost).
My friend Adam has been finding alot of biblical themes in the show. It's a fun idea to explore.
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