Later on a Tuesday night all misty and cool we drove to Bible study and she sat beside me in the passenger seat, her feet up on the dash, toes pressed to the glass. Writing in a book and slouched in the seat, she would smile occasionally and I would glance at her from the corner of my eye or watch her reflected in the windshield like the specter I was afraid she was already becoming.
We stopped at the house and walked through the front door. She was greeted and touched by smiling sad faces and led to the living room. I felt her awkwardness, knowing she didn’t like being the center of anything, especially attention. We sat beside eachother, me in my best shirt and she gave me the lightest touch on the knee.
The room was dark and filled with more people than was usual on these nights. All here to pray for her as if we could raise our voices in unison so that God might hear our mutterings and cries more clearly. As if he had the weak hearing of the old man we all pictured him being in our youthful ignorance.
There was a reading from the Psalms. Then a song of petition and we led her to the floor where we gathered and our pastor washed her feet and she hid her face, so shy and serene. Then we laid our hands on her as she lay amidst us supplicatory and we prayed. Some aloud, most, like me, silently. I whispered to myself and stared at her feet all washed and white and hiding the decay beneath and I thought that when Christ called them white washed sepulchers, he really meant us all. That we all decay from the inside with the most lovely and loved of us doing so at a swifter pace. How I wished my own would quicken as well.
After, I drove her home to her father and she slept while I drove and blinked until the road blurred before us. Only the days ahead would show to me more clearly then ever that God is indeed hard of hearing.
9 years ago
Thank you (: I was saying that I feel sad and understand something of what you say.
I do go to Fuller....I really enjoy it and glad for the opportunity!
Thanks for enjoying the blog. It's something I am trying to do to work on my writing skills. Thanks and thanks...
I am Chilean, but I understand something of what you write
Pieter, I'm enjoying these writings so much. The relationship between these characters is fascinating and beautiful and yet sorrowful all at the same time. I love that it seems that what they share is so intimate- it's as if their innermost felings run so deep in their hearts that they have become something only they can know and understand. I'm looking forward to reading your approach on the remainder of this song...
There are very pretty places for here (:
Hey, this doesn't really relate to your story at all (which I am enjoying). I just saw that you had commented on my blog. It's good to hear from you. I've been super busy the past few months, but I'm looking forward to a somewhat relaxed summer. Anyway, there's a picture of the baby over my way if you want to see.
I just finished reading your short story in progress. I love the idea…and I would expect you to write this after a Sufjan song because I know how much you enjoy his lyrics. It’s, so far, a very painful story in the sense of the inevitable, but his thoughts are so beautiful. I’m anxious to see what will happen next…but I’m not expecting you to pull a Walk to Remember. ;)
Hope life in Sac is working out well...don't be a stranger, remember?
Hey brother, it is good to see you writing again. I am sorry for the delayed response, but I do want you to know that I have been reading. As for this post, here is what I think:
that God might hear our mutterings and cries more clearly I especially appreciate the diction in this sentence, relating the prayed mutterings and God's strained hearing.
Also, I am still curious on how closely the protagonist relates to you as an author. From the Historical School of Criticism, I am curious to know your thought process while writing.
Finally, I think this works very well compared to what you have written thus far. It continues to add a sense of depth to the field of your work and I am glad for it.
I hope you are doing well. Write soon.
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